PHOTO: © Veranstaltung des Sufi-Zentrums Rabbaniyya am Tag der Religionen in der Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche (c) Sufi-Zentrum Rabbaniyya / Tobias Lein

Mystische Dimensionen - Auf den Spuren berühmter Sufis

In the organizer's words:
2023 marks the 750th anniversary of the death of the famous Sufi master Mawlana Jelaleddin Rumi . To mark the occasion, the Rabbaniyya Sufi Center is hosting a series of lectures and talks on various topics from Rumi's poetic treasury of love.
A series of events by the Sufi Center Rabbaniyya and the Ethnological Collections of the National Museums in Berlin.
- free of charge
- Duration: 60 min
This content has been machine translated.


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