PHOTO: © Kathrin Schiener

new basement pres. Tornado Basement

In the organizer's words:


Summer is here! But why TORNADO? That's a great question. The previous editions of our Summer Fest "Summer Basement Vol.I" / "Summer Basement Vol.2" were (unfortunately) flooded by rain and blown away by strong winds. Although they were still great fun, we can't bear to organize a third "Summer Basement" on a stormy day. That's why we decided to call it TORNADO BASEMENT SUMMER FEST this year. That way, in the event of a stormy festival, we at least have an event name that fits the weather.

We have a huge program before we go into the summer break. Lots of friends, lots of bands, lots of games + indie disco! Thanks to everyone who keeps coming to our show. Thanks to Import Export for giving us the opportunity to do shows. And thanks to all our friends who make music, talk about music, are obsessed with music, breathe and talk in music & drink and pee music. Ok, here's the lineup! Raketenumschau+ Hallway + Prohibition Prohibition + Neue Lust + PILLBERT + Wail Ryder + Shā Mò (沙漠) + Indie Disco (Party) + Game Room.

Raketenumschau (indie rock)

"The Hamburg school around Blumfeld and Co has certainly found another master in Raketenumschau," enthuses the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Only the stars know whether this is the case. In any case, the four musicians from Munich are making a small contribution to preserving the cultural heritage of "indie rock" with their unwieldy catchiness. After five years of being a band, over 100 rousing concerts and almost 700 nights since their last release

the last release, the new single "Rosamunde Pilcher" will finally be released on May 17th.

"I'm certainly not making myself infinite by writing an indie pop song," says the song, which perhaps does just that. A song where you can almost feel the sweat of a concert running down your forehead.

Produced by Willy Löster (Bruckner, MOLA, LaBrassBanda) and artfully mixed by

Olaf O.P.A.L (The Notwist, Juli, International Music), it is spacious and raw and doesn't need a lot of frills. We shouldn't give too much away, they say, but it won't stop at this one song. With new songs and old guitars, the Raketenumschau will stumble across various festival stages this year before playing their debut tour "Ist es die Euphorie?" in the fall.

Hallway (Folk Rock)

Largely influenced by 'post-Elliott Smith' bands, the Hallway project finds its niche somewhere between folk rock and shoegaze. A saxophone meets a big muff pedal, acoustic guitars meet bubbling synthesizers, slowcore meets jazz rock. The self-titled EP Hallway is a collection of old songs that were completed in the rehearsal room with cranked-up guitar amps and wild saxophone runs.

Prohibition Prohibition (Post Punk)

The four young musicians behind Prohibition Prohibition walk a fine line with their music between threatening apparent silence and loss of control - and in their own way, they deal with the somewhat diffuse term "post-punk".Drums and bass form the engine of the songs, which are created in a small container on the outskirts of the city, and rarely have to choose between raw violence and complexity. Guitar sounds between sterility and unrecognizability hover above, below and in between.Literary fragments, philosophical and historical impressions form the basis for the lyrics, which are sometimes coolly narrated, then again as desperate cries for help above it all.A shared understanding of the aesthetics of noise keeps the audience and band caught between trance and mosh pits-an appropriate expression for a world out of joint.

PILLBERT (Folk / Ambient)

Sounds like the nickname of a cuddly animal. But it's actually the nickname of the cuddly toy's owner. In the meantime, the child has grown up and the nickname has become the artist name under which the young Munich native writes her music. The songs, which were initially mainly written alone, are now performed on stage with a full band and wind instruments. Bedroom recordings are transformed into haunting snapshots of the musician's experiences. With different textures and soundscapes, she transforms the world as she perceives it and invites you to experience it. But it still remains cozy. Her ambient lo-fi chamber pop is influenced by Phoebe Bridgers, King Krule and Radiohead. PILLBERT also takes up the situations that are dealt with in the songs in her samples. These are self-recorded and often reflect the time and setting of the songs, creating the feeling of having been there. The main goal, however, is - despite musical efforts - the recognition of technical devices. The goal can be considered achieved with the inclusion in the Duden dictionary and the immediate insertion of a red underring in public documents.

Neue Lust (Slacker Rock / Noise Pop)

What is that pleasantly lo-fi rattling towards us from Vienna? It's the NEUE LUST collective, namely Rambo Kasablankla and his buddy.bozo. The two name the Swedish DIY queen Weatherday, the Swiss New Wave heroes Grauzone (yes, the ones with the polar bear!) and Eyedress from the Philippines as their influences. In addition, the amplifiers are turned up and a sound is celebrated with an extreme sludginess that moves between shoegaze, indie and slacker rock, German and English. Their raw sound is always reminiscent of emery indie bands such as the early Wavves or Times New Viking, and the two are also reminiscent of What does their bio say so beautifully: "Neue Lust sounds as if The Strokes have had a stroke or if The Microphones were only recorded by one microphone (that of a phone)."

Wail Ryder (Pop / Electronica)

With her mystical pop songs, Munich-based artist Wail Ryder aka Lucia Knöpfel creates associative dream dystopias in which spherical vocals, electronica and traditional songwriting collide. Since 2021, she has been releasing her self-produced songs, originally under the artist name "Lulu on Mars", which include three full albums. Her stories are about the adventures of a fictional character who embodies Lucia's emotional inner life. These are often characterized by brutality, death and grief, but also profound love and childlike curiosity. The "Wail Ryder" project offers space for the grotesque beauty of human vulnerability and desire.

Shā Mò (沙漠) (Post Rock)

Shā Mò (沙漠) gives us an insight into the school days of the 4 musicians from Shanghai, China. During their time here in Munich, it became increasingly difficult to identify with their home country, both politically and socially. However, indulging in shared memories from their school days brings a new, beautiful and almost mythical connection to their homeland. With unconsciously used elements from Chinese folk music, shā mò (沙漠) will present a set full of loud guitars, personal anecdotes and uplifting tension.

Indie Disco: new basement DJs + Friends

We can only get better and better on the decks, but it's not really that difficult. Because when 'Eisbär' by Grauzone or 'Damaged Goods' by Gang of Four or 'Gold Soundz' by Pavement comes on, there's no stopping.

Game Room

If you need a break, you could take a look in our Game Room. The backstage is turned into a game room. We have prepared chess boards, backgammon, Mario Kart and many other surprises. There will also be plenty of seating (to cool off after a hot show).

This content has been machine translated.


Import Export München Schwere Reiter Str. 2h 80797 München

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