PHOTO: © Neue Visionen

Kino Zukunft: Niemals allein, immer zusammen

In the organizer's words:

For her documentary NEVER ALONE, ALWAYS TOGETHER, filmmaker Joana Georgi accompanies five Berlin activists through their everyday lives for a year. Quang, Patricia, Simin, Zaza and Feline are young, idealistic and organized. They are involved in "Fridays for Future", "Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co.", fight for better care work in the Berlin hospital movement and are committed to dealing with racially motivated violence. They look after the community, make political art and stir up social media. Using Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, they are globally networked and bring their ideas to the smartphones and hearts of their peers. In an increasingly divided and polarized world, they show ways out of political lethargy and represent a new generation that is raising its voice to stand up for a fairer future, free from thought prohibitions and dogmatic legacies.

With NEVER ALONE, ALWAYS TOGETHER, director Joana Georgi takes an authentic look at the difficult path that activism often means and focuses on the loving, day-to-day stories of the struggle for social change. In doing so, she breaks with pejorative clichés about social movements and creates a hopeful film whose protagonists firmly believe that radical change is not only possible, but necessary.

This content has been machine translated.


Kino Zukunft Alt-Stralau 68 10245 Berlin

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