PHOTO: © Axville via Unsplash

NINIA LAGRANDE (Wortakrobatin/Hannover)

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Ninia LaGrande tells stories - short stories, poetry slam texts and columns - about a body that doesn't always cooperate, life as a mother and being in the middle of it all. What ideas strangers get when they see a woman of small stature with a child (spoiler: very absurd ones) and why you shouldn't forget yourself in all the hustle and bustle. The presenter, author and speaker from Linden has been performing on stages and at events throughout the German-speaking world for many years. She currently hosts the podcasts "Deine Ideen, Deine Spiele." from the DOSB, "GANZSCHÖNLAUT", the podcast from Veto magazine, "Die kleine schwarze Chaospraxis" with Denise M'Baye and "Zirkus Sideline - Dein Einstieg in die Welt der NFL" with chef Nina Meyer. She regularly welcomes authors to "Ninia presents..." at the Pavillon Hannover. Her books "... Und ganz, ganz viele Doofe!" and "Von mir hat es das nicht!" have been published by Blaulicht-Verlag. In 2024, she appeared in the feature film "15 Jahre" and was part of the anthology "Frei Sein" published by Kein & Aber.

This content has been machine translated.


Bei Chéz Heinz Liepmannstraße 7B 30453 Hannover

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