PHOTO: © Paolo Chiabrando/Unsplash

No Horizon

In the organizer's words:

A handful of people gather in a public place. Is it a playground? It's hard to tell. Everything here is shrouded in thick fog. The horizon, for example - for which there are two different words in the island country of Japan, depending on whether you locate it on the sea (水平線 / Sui-hei-sen) or on land (地平線 / Chi-hei-sen). How safely or unsafely do we move in the present world? How far can we see? What is our horizon of perception like? What happens when we are increasingly out and about in the real and virtual worlds at the same time? And why is the failure rate for driving tests currently higher than ever before? Where exactly is the boundary between public places and private spaces? In his works, Japanese theater artist, author and director Toshiki Okada has people of hypermodernity meet in very specific places: at a subway station in Tokyo at night (Nō Theater), in a karaoke bar (No Sex), in an apartment building (The Vacuum Cleaner) or in the lobby of a hotel on the 22nd floor (Doughnuts). There he approaches them with the very unconventional means of his contemporary version of Japanese theater. The text is only the tip of the iceberg. The much larger part lies underneath and is imagination. And she is, says Okada, a very talented choreographer.

"Is that perhaps why we continue to look into the fog and watch how we can't see anything, because we hope that we will actually see what we should be able to see again at some point?" Toshiki Okada

Okada first staged "Doughnuts" at the Thalia Theater and was invited to the 2022 Berlin Theatertreffen. The collaboration continues with "No Horizon".

Duration 1:30h, no intermission
World premiere on 2 DECEMBER 2023, Thalia Gauss

This content has been machine translated.


Thalia in der Gaußstraße Gaußstraße 190 22765 Hamburg

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