PHOTO: © Sandra Then


In the organizer's words:

A production with people from Ukraine and Düsseldorf - freely adapted from Homer by Pavlo Arie - In German and Ukrainian with respective surtitles - Premiere on February 10, 2023 - Schauspielhaus, Kleines HausStadt:Kollektiv - as part of Fokus Ukraine - European Theatre Festival 777 TAGE ДНІВ DAYS

The new play by Ukrainian playwright Pavlo Arie should really be called "Penelope". The focus is not on the ancient hero Odysseus' adventurous and loss-filled journey home, but on his wife, who waits 10 years for the end of the Trojan War and another 10 years for her husband to return home. At home, their son Telemachus grows up without a father. When countless suitors besiege their house, the son sets off in search of Odysseus. Penelope's waiting is no longer passive either. This contemporary "Odyssey" tells of the loss of a beloved in senseless wars over three generations. It also tells of adventurous odysseys - literally mad journeys between Scylla and Charybdis. However, these are not journeys towards home, but stories of escape into exile.

This content has been machine translated.


Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz 1a 40211 Düsseldorf

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