Orlacs Hände - (Dis) Harmonie - Die Reihe für den abseitigen Film

In the organizer's words:

(Dis)Harmony The series for the offbeat film

Live soundtrack by the Gramm Art Project


ORLACS HÄNDE from 1924 is a classic of the German silent horror film: after an accident, the pianist Paul Orlac is transplanted with the hands of the recently executed robbery murderer Vasseur. Orlac, who is mentally unstable, is then tormented by the idea that Vasseur could take control of his body. The pianist's delusions intensify when his father is found stabbed to death with a dagger bearing Vasseur's fingerprints.

GRAMM ART PROJECT: The fascinating combination of live music and moving image continues to enchant audiences a century after the heyday of this genre. In its silent film concerts, the Gramm Art Project combines historical cinema films with modern, jazzy-avant-garde sound design, the resulting overall experience impresses the audience in a completely new and unique way. Lovers of classic light shows and jazz fans alike will get their money's worth here, but the productions are so timeless that everyone, young and old, will be amazed when the visual and auditory stimuli merge into an impressive total work of art. Due to the alternation between specially composed film music and improvised scenes, the screenings always remain captivating and varied, even after repeated viewings.

Since 2017, the Gramm Art Project's professional musicians have accompanied classic silent films such as "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (Robert Wiene, 1920), "The Golem as he came into the World" (Paul Wegener, 1920), "The Mountain Cat" (Ernst Lubitsch, 1921), "Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror" (F. W. Murnau, 1922), "The Last Man" (F.W. Murnau, 1924), "The Adventures of Prince Achmed" (Lotte Reinige, 1926), "Metropolis" (Fritz Lang, 1927) or "Tabu" (F. W. Murnau, 1931) and set them in a jazzy, modern setting. With his Gramm Art Project, silent film guitarist Julian Gramm focuses on Weimar cinema and continues to impress audiences one hundred years after the heyday of expressionist film with specially composed music combined with free improvisation typical of the genre. Every evening is a unique experience, meandering between historical cinematic art, live music and goosebumps.

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Harmonie Dreieichstraße 54 60594 Frankfurt am Main

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