PHOTO: © FOTO: Adam Jaime auf Unsplash


In the organizer's words:

Pull in Lynes at the OYA MÜLLEM

Debut of the text and talk series with up-and-coming writers Irma Mečević & Amuna Wagner in German and English spoken language. Admission: from 7 pm I Start: 8 pm

The door is open. A glass is served. Cold delicacies bubble down your throat. The candles are already lit, two armchairs in front.

Murmuring, laughing, listening, enjoying, asking questions. Sweat under your arms, new thoughts in your head, warmth in your heart. We invite you!

Amuna: "I am a German-Sudanese writer, journalist, and educator. I studied International Relations and Arabic at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, with a special interest in decolonizing processes and the politics of gender. In my work, I explore the many ways through which we heal ourselves and others: ancestry, identity, pleasure activism, feminist spiritualities, and music."

Irma: "I have been studying literary writing at the KHM since October 23. My texts can be read in das Narr, Denkbilder and der KURZEN. I am currently working on my debut novel, a transgenerational autofictional story. Patriarchal and classist relationships are the topics that are currently on my mind. When I have to cry, I laugh."

This content has been machine translated.


OYA Müllem Buchheimer Straße 17 51063 Köln

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