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Passagen reloaded. Ein literarisch-architek­tonischer Spaziergang entlang der Graf-Adolf-Straße

In the organizer's words:

The famous flâneur of modernity is probably Walter Benjamin, who wrote what is probably the most beautiful portrait of the metropolis of Paris in his Passages. Under the motto "passages reloaded", we stroll along Graf-Adolf-Straße with the author and "Düssel flâneur" Sebastian Brück, who deals with the city and its changes in his texts, and the architect and urban planner Hans-Jürgen Greve. The focus of the dialogical walk with readings and discussions is on the changes that the street has undergone over time and the question of what future good urban planning can bring to Graf-Adolf-Straße.

Hans-Jürgen Greve is an urban planner, architect, designer and creator of the BOKX® bookcases, around 30 of which can be found in Düsseldorf.

Sebastian Brück is a freelance journalist, author, ghostwriter, editor and copywriter. In his journalistic and literary texts, he deals intensively with his home city of Düsseldorf.

Limited number of participants. The meeting point will be announced with the registration confirmation. Registration required:

An event organized by Literaturbüro NRW e.V. as part of the project EINE STRASSE (arkus ambach projekte). The event was sponsored by the Kunst- und Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf.

This content has been machine translated.


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Organizer | Miscellaneous

Literaturbüro NRW
Literaturbüro NRW Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 1 40210 Düsseldorf

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