PHOTO: © Holger Strehlow

PERSPEKTIVEN | Drei Oskar Barnack Award Serien | Lynsey Addario, Ismail Ferdous, Tom Hegen

In the organizer's words:

PERSPEKTIVEN | Three Oskar Barnack Award series

Lynsey Addario | Ismail Ferdous | Tom Hegen

Under the title "PERSPECTIVEN", the Leica Gallery Stuttgart presents three winning and finalist series of the Leica Oskar Barnack Award, one of the most internationally renowned photography prizes. With this award, Leica has been contributing to the diversity and quality of photojournalistic work for 42 years and is constantly concerned with the relationship between people and their environment.

Authentic images and personal perspectives are more relevant today than ever and their importance is underlined by the consistency of the LOBA competition. The change in point of view constantly draws attention to existing themes and conveys them to us from a different perspective. Photographers thus make an important contribution to visual perception and draw the viewer's attention to the explosive nature of individual humanist themes.

Each of the three selected LOBA series has chosen a different perspective to show the respective topic in a concise and lasting way: Lynsey Addario sharpens our gaze by focusing on ecological grievances using female protagonists. She deliberately places herself next to the female protagonists in the respective crisis areas and allows us to participate from within the events. Ismail Ferdous demonstrates the diversity of cultural perspectives. He presents us with the socio-cultural diversity of everyday life on the beach in his native Bangladesh, changes the European view of the Bengali city of Cox's Bazar and amazes us with a beach mentality that is foreign to us. Tom Hegen chooses spatial distance as a medium to draw attention from above to the devastation of the landscape in German coal mining areas
and at the same time to highlight the surprising beauty and colorfulness of the man-made landscape.

The exhibition "PERSPEKTIVEN" can be seen at the Leica Gallery Stuttgart (Calwer Straße 41) until May 11, 2024. The three series with a total of 42 photographs will be on display. The gallery is open from Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 6.30 pm and Saturday from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. Free admission.

This content has been machine translated.


Leica Galerie Stuttgart Calwer Straße 41 70173 Stuttgart

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