PHOTO: © Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, Foto: Rainer Herrmann

Pfälzer Weinfest in der Residenz

In the organizer's words:

At the Palatinate Wine Festival in the Residenz, winegrowers and restaurateurs present a culinary program at the Palatinate Wine Festival in the Kaiserhof of the Residenz. Over 30,000 visitors are once again expected over the ten days of the event, who will hopefully enjoy the great program in the picturesque courtyard of the Residenz in the best weather. Around eight wineries from the Palatinate will be represented at the festival, including the Herrenberg-Honigsäckel wine world. In addition, two restaurateurs will provide guests with tarte flambée, sausages and other specialties from the Palatinate. Live music is presented on all festival days.

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Residenz München Residenzstraße 1 80333 München

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