PHOTO: © Pixi - die Ausstellung, Vignette vom Waldkobold Pixi, © Carlsen Verlag, Dorothea Tust via SHMH

Pixi - Die Ausstellung. 70 Jahre kleine Bücher

In the organizer's words:

Who doesn't know them, the little square Pixi books? For many children, a "Pixi" is the first book they have chosen for themselves. They are bedtime reading, the contents of Advent calendars and birthday bags, coveted collector's items and, last but not least, a registered and firmly established trademark. With over 3,000 different titles and 14 million books sold each year, "Pixi" is the most comprehensive picture book series of all time. The first Pixi book was published in Germany in 1954 with the title "Miezekatzen" - and the series will be 70 years old in 2024. In the early 1950s, publisher Per Hjald Carlsen and his Hamburg publishing house wanted to offer high-quality picture books at the lowest possible price. His goal has lost none of its relevance to this day: every child should be able to own a book and enjoy stories and reading. Carlsen chose the format of 10 x 10 cm with 24 pages and named it after the English word "pixie". The format made perfect use of a printed sheet and so the small books could be offered at a retail price of 0.50 DM - today they cost 0.99 euros.

The exhibition to mark the 70th anniversary, designed by Hamburg illustrator Regina Kehn, shows over 1000 Pixi books from the beginning to the present day. Pictures, stories and films illustrate how the content and forms of presentation of Pixi books have changed over the decades and also reflect social developments. Together with Carlsen Verlag, the Altonaer Museum invites young and old alike on a special journey through time over the last seven decades, where visitors will encounter Pixi the forest sprite as well as other familiar characters such as Conni the girl, Petzi the seafaring bear cub, Wilma the wildcat, Hase Langbein and Umbärto. The exhibition presents well-known illustrators with original works. Interesting facts about the production of a "Pixi" are presented as well as videos with the Pixi makers and Pixi fans. A "Pixi bath" - filled with square books instead of round balls - invites all guests to choose their "Pixi" and read it on comfortable beanbags or in cozy tents or have it read to them. At a hands-on station, Pixi fans can present their favorite "Pixi" to other visitors or take selfies with Pixi and his friends. The exhibition will be accompanied by dialogical guided tours and various workshops for children and young people, in which artists aim to encourage active reception and creative work.

Free admission to the exhibition for children and young people under the age of 18!

This content has been machine translated.


Altonaer Museum Museumstraße 23 22765 Hamburg