Plan B

In the organizer's words:

So "life" goes like this: be a good child, get good grades at school, work hard and earn money, get married, raise new good children, enjoy retirement, die nicely (ideally, the funeral expenses are already paid for beforehand). That is the plan. Everything else is dangerous, definitely not normal - that's what many young people are repeatedly told. Why is that?

Plan B tells the story of a group of teenage girls who no longer want to see leaving their predetermined path in life as a downfall. When one of them becomes pregnant unplanned, they redefine pregnancy as a revolutionary gesture. They develop a joint plan, think about alternative lifestyles, shatter social stereotypes and design their own future. This plan B doesn't necessarily make things any easier. But it transforms the supposed super disaster into self-determination. And that's just the beginning.

This content has been machine translated.


Kulturhaus Schöneberg Kyffhäuser Straße 23 10781 Berlin

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