PHOTO: © Robert v Duverdo via Unsplash

Podiumsdiskussion: Was tut Ihre Partei eigentlich für ein solidarisches Europa?

In the organizer's words:

The panel discussion is part of the event series "Solidarity without borders. A bridge for Europe". The series of events and the panel discussion will address current developments in connection with migration in Europe:

In Germany, too, political discourse is increasingly moving to the right. The increasing normalization of violence against migrants at the EU's external borders, calls for mass deportations and the criminalization of humanitarian aid are fuelling an increasingly heated debate that is dividing our society. With a view to the European elections on June 9, 2024, we would like to counter this with a sign of solidarity.

Against this backdrop, the key question of the discussion will be

How does your party build bridges of solidarity?

We are interested in what the parties are doing to break down prejudices and promote constructive dialog on migration and integration.
The discussion will be moderated by radio presenter Philipp Anft, who presents the opinion magazine Politikum and the Europe magazine for WDR 5, among others.

Do you also have a question for the politicians?

Then write to us and we'll ask it for you!

by e-mail:

on Insta: @eine.bruecke.fuer.europa

The discussion will last about 1 1/2 hours. In the last half hour we want to open the podium for questions from the audience.
📍Ebertplatz(in case of rain under the roof in front of the galleries)

This content has been machine translated.


Ebertplatz Ebertplatz 50668 Köln

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