Potsdamer Tanztage: Tanz im öffentlichen Raum

In the organizer's words:

What stories do places tell outside the conventional stage space? What structures, architectures and landscapes do we find? How do these affect the bodies that animate them? How do these bodies move their surroundings? Can dance and choreography open up spaces for interaction and joint creation? Imaginative, questioning and poetic, the five choreography students from the Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin (HZT) invite passers-by and visitors to expand their perception of public space and experience choreography in their various works - as diverse as the landscapes that surround us.

Am Landscape

Felipe Fizkal

Fri May 24, 2024 | 22:00

Sat May 25, 2024 | 22:00


A landscape of water, wind, earth, grass, fabric, natural and artificial light, paper, plastic and sound.

A body, embodied.

An alien.

Man acts by reshaping natural landscapes as he sees fit and taking over the habitat of other living beings. This landscape/body has the rhythm of dreams. You can believe it or not, mirror yourself in it or be a reflection of it.


I witness all this for the last time

Vera Shchelkina

Sat May 25, 2024 | 16:30

Wed May 29, 2024 | 17:00

Friendship Island (eastern tip)

You can recognize a tango by its first steps and sounds. But wherever tango appears, all its contexts shimmer through the dancing bodies: stories of migration, displacement, wars and violence. The two men dancing here bring the tango with them from different dictatorships: having fled from Russia and Syria, they find themselves in Potsdam as a dance couple. Can you see the two dancers' stories, can you feel them when you see them dancing on the tip of the island?


Zsombor Szabo

Sat May 25, 2024 | 17:30

Thu May 30, 2024 | 17:00

Friendship Island (Long Bridge)

"I am twelve years old. My lessons are over and I'm making my way home. I pass the swimming pool, the housing estate, the cemetery, the traffic circle. Just six more streets and I'll be home. I know all these places, they are familiar to me." The project questions the connection between place and people: how do you build your home in a new place when you are displaced from your familiar habitat? How can you create a sense of connection with a place?


Diana Thielen

Wed May 29, 2024 | 17:45

Fri May 31, 2024 | 17:00

Friendship Island (pavilion)

The pavilion on Friendship Island becomes a greenhouse. Space, body and soil arouse curiosity about what is being cultivated here. The result is a performance that sows seeds and cultivates plants, turning the pavilion into a place where all those present can shape events together with hoes and shovels. What stories are unearthed when a potato is harvested?

Out of sight, into mind

Johanna Jörns

Thu May 30, 2024 | 18:00

Fri May 31, 2024 | 18:00

Data center

Brushing over, sprucing up, pimping up.

History gone, fractures smoothed, surfaces plastered.

What is real, what is fiction?

What place does the individual have in all this?

Two dancers assert themselves in the absurd setting of the Dortustr./Breitestr. intersection and become defiant architects of their reality. Out of sight, into mind tells of alienation and the power of assertion in a poetic and whimsical way and invites the audience to accompany the dancers.

This content has been machine translated.


Schiffbauergasse Schiffbauergasse 4e 14467 Postdam


fabrik Potsdam Potsdam

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