Product Scaling – von der Idee zum Umsatz

In the organizer's words:

Is your tech idea on the verge of a breakthrough? This question accompanies many founders who launch onto the market with exciting ideas and limited resources. The risk is high - both financially and personally. How can you ensure that your idea works, that your budget is sufficient and that you can generate sales?

In our presentation, we cover exactly these challenges and more. We offer you as a founder or young tech startup a guide on how to bring digital product ideas and business models to market quickly, safely and effectively. A central aspect of our talk is the latest AI trends that can serve as catalysts for the growth of your business.

Our main goal is to give you the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully develop your first software MVP or product idea into a fast product-market fit. We want you to learn not only how to scale your products efficiently, but also how to attract and inspire investors for your ideas. Through practical examples and proven methods, we enable you to master the transition from conception to monetization of your products.

Lukas Czarnecki
Marc-André Rödder

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


myhive Kesselstraße 3 40221 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

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