PHOTO: © Feiden

Quadrat im Kreis mit José F.A. Oliver und Charlotte Wulff

In the organizer's words:

Quadrat im Kreis is a new series of events that combines literature and jazz in a unique way. Far removed from "water glass readings" and literature houses, the initiators Bryan Kessler and Nico Feiden offer a platform where authors can present their works in an almost intimate atmosphere.



of Andalusian origin, was born in 1961 in Hausach (Black Forest), where the poet, essayist and translator lives and works. His awards include the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize (1997), the Cultural Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg (2007), the Tarabya Scholarship from the Goethe-Institut in Istanbul, the Basler

Poetry Prize (2015), the Liliencron Lectureship at Kiel University (2019) and the Heinrich Böll Prize 2021.

Further poetry lectureships at M.I.T. (Cambridge / USA), TU Dresden, LMU Munich and theUniversity of Bayreuth.


Charlotte Wulff - preferably Charly, for reasons of space - prefers to write poems, for reasons of space, because she has so much room in them: for example, how she sees, misunderstands, despises and despises the world (and its inhabitants). Born in 1997, works as a lecturer at ecosign/Akademie für Gestaltung and as a freelance photographer. 2021 publication "Das Selbstporträt" by Rheinwerk Verlag.

The Jazz Trio, initiated by Fabian Arends, will also be playing

INFO: There is no advance booking for this series of events.

Admission begins at 19:45 and is limited to just under 70 people.

Start: 20:00

Admission: 10 Euro

This event is supported and sponsored by Kulturbüro Köln, Fritz Kola and Mate Spritz.

Price information:

10 Euro

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Price information:

10 Euro


Coziness & The Factory Concept Store Maastrichter Straße 49 50672 Köln

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