In the organizer's words:

As part of the Startup Week Düsseldorf, we are offering various lectures on important legal topics relating to the foundation of your company under the title "Recht klar und sicher" ("Legal clarity and security").

In our two-day workshop on 03.06.2024 from 10:00 to 15:30, we will devote 1.5 hours each to the following topics

  • "Choosing the right legal form" (10:00 to 11:30),
  • "Legally compliant online presence" (12:00 to 13:30)
  • and "Protection of ideas" (14:00 to 15:30).

The second part on 04.06.2024 from 10:00 to 15:30 also deals with the following topics for 1.5 hours each

  • Taxes (10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.),
  • venture capital (12:00 to 13:30)
  • and employment law (14:00 to 15:30).

GmbH or UG - do you know the difference? Do you know which legal form suits your business? Then you've come to the right place - we'll help you choose the right legal form so that your company is on a firm footing right from the start.

Other important topics we want to discuss with you are the legal requirements for your own website and pitfalls in online trading. We'll explain what you need to bear in mind, for example, when it comes to the legal notice, concluding contracts online, the right of withdrawal and data protection. We give you valuable tips on how to set up your online presence in a legally compliant way before you even go online.

As a startup, you should have your ideas protected. So let's take a look together at what you can actually protect, how exactly this works and what it costs. You will learn how to use non-disclosure agreements and how to register intellectual property rights. We'll also give you tips on which forms of protection make sense for your idea and go into detail about trademarks, patents, utility models and designs.

We will also look at the laws that you need to observe as an employer. We discuss the big issue of bogus self-employment and how you can protect yourself from this when working with freelancers. We also tell you which employment laws you should know, what pitfalls there are and how to behave properly. Finally, we also take a look at employment contracts and how and in what form they are valid.

When the business is up and running and (further) investors want to get involved, the necessary contracts need to be drawn up. We explain which provisions an investment agreement should contain, what needs to be considered in the context of planned financing rounds and how to prepare for a successful exit.

Last but not least, we take a look at how you can set the course for saving taxes and avoiding tax traps when setting up your company. We will also give you an overview of which tax laws are particularly relevant for start-ups and how the choice of legal form can affect taxes.

Of course, we also look forward to your specific questions, which we will be happy to answer during our event.

Dr. Kirsten Thiergart
Wolfram Meven
Anna Schenke
Dr. Alexander Bork
Dr. Patrick Müller
Astrid Luedtke

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek PartmbB Georg-Glock-Str. 4 40474 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

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