PHOTO: © Traumathek

Reihe Politischer Widerstand EIN TRAUM VON REVOLUTION

In the organizer's words:

Political Resistance Series
Director: Petra Hoffmann
Germany 2024, 95 min., OV, tw with German subtitles, Blu-ray projection

Interview with director Petra Hoffmann on Deutschlandfunk Kultur

45 years ago, with the victory of the revolution in Nicaragua, an era of hope begins. A young generation takes over the government with the ambitious goal of building a fairer and more social society. In the 1980s, 15,000 "brigadists" from West Germany alone traveled to Nicaragua to help rebuild the exhausted country: liberals, Greens, trade unionists, social democrats, leftists and church representatives harvested coffee and cotton, built schools, kindergartens and health stations. No other movement has mobilized so many people.

Director Petra Hoffmann is also involved. 45 years after the victory of the revolution, she asks what has become of the wishes and dreams of the revolutionaries and their supporters.

Admission: 6,-
Advance ticket sales in the store, Box Office, reservations possible: / 0221 2404795

Our program at Studio Argento takes place with the kind support of the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne!

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Studio Argento / Traumathek Engelbertstraße 45 50674 Köln

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