PHOTO: © Atelier Theater GmbH

Robert Griess: Apocalypso, Baby!

In the organizer's words:

Every day the world ends in the news, from Ukraine to climate change, from Facebook to Netflix: dystopias instead of utopias everywhere. But Robert Griess is standing up to it: Under the motto "We're saving the world!" the Cologne cabaret artist ignites satirical fireworks and makes conditions dance like no other. The stage alchemist transforms all topics that put people in a bad mood into cabaret gold. The result is an exuberant spectacle of high comedy: Those who laugh with Griess, laugh best! Because he asks the crucial questions: Who or what can still save the world? Yoga? Fridays for future? 100 billion for the Bundeswehr?

Griess is a gifted satirist of the old school: every joke is a hit, every sentence has a double bottom and a drop. Intelligent, black-humored, charming, wicked. Forget TV cabaret, experience Griess live!

This content has been machine translated.


Atelier Theater Roonstraße 78 50674 Köln

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