PHOTO: © (c) Sebastian Dürst / neuland & gestalten

Salon für Grundsatzfragen: Haltung

In the organizer's words:

While some like to do it loudly, others shy away from it: taking a stand. Especially when different points of view clash in public debates, people are quick to demand a stance. But isn't there a misunderstanding here and are we confusing opinion with attitude? Aren't opinions sometimes produced more quickly than real attitudes? In the Salon for Fundamental Issues, we want to find out what actually constitutes an attitude, how it can develop and what it involves. How are mental and physical posture connected? Is there such a thing as good posture? And how will it help us as a society if we learn to show more posture again?

With: Laura von Ostrowski (yoga teacher & religious scholar) and Christiane Woopen (medical ethicist & former chair of the European Ethics Council)

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

0,00 €


GESELLSCHAFTSRAUM Buttermelcherstraße 15 80469 München

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