Schwestern – Die Macht des weiblichen Kollektivs

In the organizer's words:

Author Julia Korbik in conversation with Marianna Deinyan

Whether it's #metoo or the protests in Iran, there have been numerous occasions in recent years when women have stood up for each other. It's a principle that the feminists of the 1970s were already propagating - it's no coincidence that one of their most famous slogans was

Sisterhood is powerful!

But sisterhood is more than networking, more than female solidarity. It is a political practice.

Julia Korbik examines the principle of sisterhood, wants to understand what it can look like - and what prevents it. She questions the feminism of recent years and explores this topic in an inspiring, nuanced and curious way using personal anecdotes and examples from literature, pop culture, history and society.

Julia Korbik was born in the Ruhr area in 1988. She studied European Studies, Communication Studies and Journalism in France and Germany and was annoyed by reading lists that only contained male authors. Korbik now lives in Berlin as an author and freelance journalist and prefers to write about politics and pop culture from a feminist perspective. In 2018, she was awarded the Luise Büchner Prize for Journalism in Darmstadt.

Marianna Deinyan is a freelance journalist and presenter from Cologne. In addition to her work as a radio presenter and podcast host, she moderates events and panels. As an author for podcasts, radio and social media, she mainly works on topics relating to culture and social policy and recently wrote "Yerevan", a book about Armenian cuisine and cooking culture, which was awarded the German Cookbook Prize 2023.

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