PHOTO: © Hafenbahnhof

SHRAF SHARIF KHAN and friends im Jazzraum

In the organizer's words:

Ashraf Sharif Khan (tabla), Janosch Pankritz (dr), Patrycjusz Baumann (keys)

Pakistani sitar meets synthesizer and jazz drums. The widely traveled sitar player Ashraf Sharif Khan, a living legend in his country and Presidential Award winner, enchants the audience with Pakistani folk melodies and jazz fusion. He will be accompanied by Patrycjusz Baumann on keys and Janosch Pangritz on drums.

Further information on the Jazzraum website:

The Hafenbahnhof is open from 6 pm.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Box office only


Hafenbahnhof Große Elbstraße 276 22767 Hamburg

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