PHOTO: © Helios37

Soeckers + Guest: Fullax

In the organizer's words:

Soeckers at Helios 37, Cologne


When Johann, Lars, Nils and Jules from SOECKERS got together in 2014 to form the band based on the same musical taste, none of them could play an instrument. But after the first beginnings, SOECKERS met with a lot of love quite quickly.

After about 200 concerts in the meantime - including a whole series in the support of Madsen, Granada, AnnenMayKantereit, Wanda or Kaffkiez - and the debut "KOPFKARUSSELL" released in 2020, the second studio album of the band from the small town of Ahaus near Münster was released on 2022 with "NIE WIEDER".The record symbolizes the unconditional will to continue making music together. To continue writing the story of SOECKERS, which started so well. To turn the many ideas, the untold thoughts and feelings into music. In 14 days of recording in Vienna, 13 indie songs are created with an incredible love for detail in lyrics and music.

Transience and melancholy run thematically through the album NIE WIEDER. The beautiful as well as the less beautiful sides of irrevocable change. Dreams lost to time, unforgotten feelings. It is always about a disharmony between gut feeling and head decision. An emotional slide show of memories: the football field at home, relationships, friends and moments. The retrospective beauty of a "never again". Maybe all these moments are so intense in retrospect because they are finite. And small moments sometimes capture the greatest emotions. At the same time, NIE WIEDER is by no means a sad album. On the contrary, SOECKERS miraculously manages to keep the music consistently uplifting and positive, despite the inner turmoil. SOECKERS goes forward and screams for dancing.

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Helios37 Heliosstraße 37 50825 Köln

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