PHOTO: © Ulme35

Sommerfest der Ulme35

In the organizer's words:

We cordially invite you to the big summer party at Ulme35. Ulme35 is a place of togetherness and participation: this year, friends and cooperation partners are once again putting together a colorful program of hands-on activities for young and old. You can try out screen printing, make music, sing, get a portrait photo, play a future game or chess, paint a large picture together with an artist and much more. A huge thank you to all the cooperation partners and artists who are making this possible!

You can also expect live music, a play for the whole family and delicious food. For relaxed conversations over a cool drink, there is seating on the summer terrace of our café and plenty of deckchairs in the garden. Enjoy a wonderful summer day outdoors with us!

You can find the whole program on our website.

We look forward to a relaxed evening full of music and good company.

This content has been machine translated.


Ulme35 Ulmenallee 35 14050 Berlin/Westend

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