PHOTO: © Stadtgarten

Stefansson / Downes / Nebbia / Dornbusch

In the organizer's words:

20:00 I Concert I 🎤 Concert Hall

Scene Berlin #1

This new quartet, consisting of four different voices from the European jazz scene, plays compositions by Danish bassist Thorbjørn Stefansson, embedded in free improvisation and sonic exploration. Each member brings their individuality to the music to create something new that challenges both the norms and traditions of improvised music. The quartet's unique group sound is a direct product of this search and is guided by openness and respect for each other.


Thorbjørn Stefansson (double bass, comp), Kit Downes (piano), Camila Nebbia (tenor saxophone), Philip Dornbusch (drums)

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Stadtgarten Venloer Straße 40 50672 Köln

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