PHOTO: © Alma Hoppes Lustspielhaus

Stephan Bauer - Ehepaare kommen in den Himmel ... in der Hölle waren sie schon

In the organizer's words:

Questions? Then you can reach us here: 040-555 6 555 6.

And that's what it's all about:

Women need men and vice versa! It's actually a truism. But if the woman mows the lawn and the man accompanies her with a parasol, something is not right. Despite all gender equality, modern women also long for positive masculinity. But without primitive macho posturing à la "can you cool my beer with your cold feet", but with masculine clarity, determination and decisiveness. Men, on the other hand, stand in the bathroom in the morning and think: "Underpants on properly - goal for the day achieved."

The dilemma: without masculinity and femininity, there is no sexual attraction. And so everyone resigns themselves to the fact that, in addition to the portafilter machine, the dildo is now also part of the well-stocked household, while the men are more concerned with pornography than with their wives. According to the motto: "Eat out, starve at home." How times have changed. We used to have no sex before marriage, now we have no sex within marriage. Can we turn the clock back again? How can we achieve more togetherness? Do I need a helmet for that?

A lot of things have gotten mixed up these days, no stone is left unturned. People used to be smart and phones were stupid, today it's the other way around. People think: "Lord, let brains fall from the sky. Or stones. The main thing is that you hit it."

Stephan Bauer's new program is a ray of hope. The ludicrous rescue from false gender ideals, exaggerated ideas of happiness and the loss of orientation that modernity brings with it.

A microphone, a bar stool and two hours of punch lines. And for the audience, two hours of laughter without pause for breath. Just like the "big farmer".

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

toll-free at 040-55565556 or by e-mail Vvk at

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Alma Hoppes Lustspielhaus Ludolfstraße 53 20249 Hamburg

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