PHOTO: © Strandpiraten Düsseldorf

Strandpiraten "the secret garden"

In the organizer's words:

Ho, ho, ho, you landlubberly party animals! The first "topless" spectacle of the season is just around the corner and we're celebrating it in the middle of the city, in the hidden beer garden of the Frankenheim brewery.

Under the motto "The Secret Garden", we will conquer the hidden beer garden of the distillery, set it up in terms of decoration, set up our fat system and ignite our wild musical journey there with you! Rumor has it that the old walls tell stories of times gone by, when Rhine boatmen used to quench their thirst there after a long day on the Rhine and hold wild feasts.

Hidden niches, overgrown vines and romantic lights create a unique atmosphere that will make you feel like a real pirate on a secret island. The bar will be filled with the most exquisite drinks to tantalize your palate and wet your thirsty throats.

On Saturday, June 22 from 3 p.m. we'll get started - but beware, space is limited, so it's first come, first served. Box Office only!

This content has been machine translated.


Frankenheim Brauereiausschank Wielandstraße Wielandstraße 12-14 40211 Düsseldorf

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