PHOTO: © Charlotte Goltermann

Sven Regener

In the organizer's words:

Sven Regener reads from "Amerika" by Franz Kafka

Start: 7.30 pm I Tickets available here

The website of musician and writer Sven Regener states: "2024 marks the hundredth anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, and even if it may seem a bit necrophilic to celebrate something like this, it is a good custom and what was okay with Wilhelm Röntgen, Marcel Proust and Emperor Franz Joseph I is even more okay with Franz Kafka, because he was a great man and we should celebrate him however, wherever and whenever we can!"
And that's what Sven Regener does in his own way. Why not read Kafka differently, he asks himself. Without too much interpretative ambition and without always wanting to solve the riddle that we assume is in Kafka's texts. "Amerika" is a good place to start, says Regener, because you can also read the book as an adventure novel, as a good story where you want to know what happens next. And it goes on and on, because Karl Roßmann is a brave hero who will do anything but let go.
But of course that's not even half the story. What remains is the mysterious power of the images, which simultaneously contradict and contradict our experiences, the magic of a language that can suddenly and at any time rise up from a calm flow to the stormy waves of extreme excitement, only to calm down again and lull us to sleep. And everything is a little askew, just like in Cubism, you see many things from all sides at the same time and are confused, because reason agrees but experience contradicts.

Sven Regener, musician and writer, founded the band Element of Crime together with others in 1985, with whom he has released 13 studio albums and played over a thousand concerts as singer, trumpeter and rhythm guitarist. In 2001, he published his first novel, "Herr Lehmann", which immediately became a bestseller. Further novels followed, including "Neue Vahr Süd" (2004), "Angulus Durus" (2006, with Germar Grimsen) and "Magical Mystery oder die Rückkehr des Karl Schmidt" (2013).

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Advance booking: € 22.00 / € 20.00 reduced Box Office: € 24.00 / € 22.00 reduced


Zentralheize Maximilian-Welsch-Straße 6 99084 Erfurt

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