PHOTO: © NS-Dokumentationszentrum München | Ansicht 2019 | Foto: Connolly Weber

Tandemrundgang: Folgen und Auswirkungen rechten Terrors

In the organizer's words:

A freelance guide from the Munich NS Documentation Center and a relative of an NSU murder victim give an insight into the exhibition Right-wing Terrorism. Conspiracy and self-empowerment 1945 to today and talk about the effects and consequences of right-wing terror as well as the (inadequate) social and legal reappraisal. The ongoing neglect of survivors, victims and survivors will also be a topic.

Participation free of charge. No registration necessary.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Participation free of charge. No registration necessary.


NS-Dokumentationszentrum München Kunstareal - Max-Mannheimer-Platz 80333 München

Organizer | Miscellaneous

NS-Dokumentationszentrum München
NS-Dokumentationszentrum München Köln

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