PHOTO: © Dan Tuykavin via unsplash

Tanztheatermobil – The Garden Of The Beasts @ Stadtglühen 2024

In the organizer's words:

Wars, misfortune, exploitation, injustice, distancing, the sacrifice of human values on the altar of individual interest - how did we get this far? A surrealistic journey back in time to point zero.
Choreography: Natasa Frantzi, dance: Marlena Meier, Alekszandr Szivkov, video/editing: Christoph Giebeler
The choreography was created as part of a dance laboratory of the Euregio Dance-Lab, a project of CulturBazar e. V. funded by the RKP - Regionales Kultur Programm NRW, the City of Aachen and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Frankenberger Park Bismarckstraße 55 52066 Aachen

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