PHOTO: © Budnik Photography - Sebastian Budnik

Tasting Special - Sommerbiere

In the organizer's words:

This tasting is dedicated to summer beers. With 8 different beers, from sour beer to Helles, we celebrate summer and the light, refreshing beers that cool us down perfectly on hot days in the sun.

Under the guidance of our staff, you will "taste" the differences between the individual beers. In addition to water, small snacks will be available to neutralize your taste buds. The tasting takes place on a small scale, so that there is enough room for questions and "shop talk" about craft beer. The tastings take place directly in our store at Bonner Str. 38 in Cologne's Südstadt district.

This content has been machine translated.


Bierlager Bonner Straße 38 50677 Köln

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