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In the organizer's words:

Büdchentag comes to the Kö for the EM

Stall parties, art events and murals accompany the fan festival

The European Football Championship is only a few days away. Fans from all over Europe are expected in Düsseldorf for this football festival. The host city of Düsseldorf is presenting itself as a cosmopolitan, culturally enthusiastic and creative city. Together with the agency Dreimarketing and the urban art gallery Pretty Portal and with the support of Visit Düsseldorf, Düsseldorfer Büdchentag brings the local music and art scene to the heart of the city and directly to the fans

That's Büdchen: Rhenish joie de vivre and music at Corneliusplatz

The Düsseldorfer Büdchentag e.V. will be playing a large stage on Corneliusplatz on the five days of the "That's Büdchen" series in Düsseldorf. The unique Rhenish Büdchen culture, a great selection of local musicians and an exuberant atmosphere will bring the Büdchen spirit right into the heart of the city and to the fans. The events will take place from 12 noon to midnight at the Eisele press pavilion.

The bands and DJs performing there include Beslik Meister, Roter Kreis and the Beatlesons as well as Charly Murphy and the FLINTA collective "Get Over It". On the way to the arena, the "Büdchentag All Stars" at the Trinkhalle on Reeser Platz will provide even more Büdchen love with a varied music program. This location stands for the cozy and familiar atmosphere that the people of the Rhineland love so much about their Büdchen and the culture that goes with them.

Art meets soccer: international urban art embellishes the cityscape

That's Büdchen" on Corneliusplatz will be framed by an art event - curated by Klaus Rosskothen from the renowned Düsseldorf gallery Pretty Portal. On each match day, artists will paint pictures on site, which will gradually be set up around Corneliusplatz as an open gallery. The internationally renowned artists L.E.T. (D/FR), Marc C. Woehr (D), SKIO (FR), Various & Gould (USA/D) and Natalia Rak (PL) will be among those taking part.

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