The Inner Journey - Meditation mit wertvollen Coaching-Impulsen, im schönen Stadtwald

In the organizer's words:

The Inner Journey: your guided meditation & awareness journey in the beautiful city forest, Cologne-Lindenthal

Come with us on your inner journey to more lightness. The Inner Journey is a guided meditation while sitting (or lying down). In this meditation, we use targeted breathing techniques to calm your mind. This state takes you out of your daily consciousness and hectic hustle and bustle. In this relaxed state, we focus your attention inwards. With VALUABLE COACHING IMPULSES, you realign yourself internally and learn to integrate a new perspective. Old, unhelpful things can go - new things can come. It supports you in becoming fully aware of your body again and gives you CLARITY in your THOUGHTS. You will learn many practical exercises for everyday life. The focus is on feeling and consciously releasing inner tensions. No previous knowledge is necessary. Everyone is welcome.

4x in small groups.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

4x 60 minutes each 1x 21,50€ You can find more information at


Stadtwald Köln

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