The Other Death of Jeanne d’Arc / Jeanne d’Arc’ın öteki ölümü

In the organizer's words:

The play "The Other Death of Jeanne d'Arc", which he wrote based on the legend of Jeanne d'Arc, is full of signs of how people, and especially women, are tried to be blockaded by the dominant ideology such as religion and masculine nationalism. Therefore, the play, adorned with comedic elements, ends by confirming the victory of man against these dominant ideologies.
Jeanne d'Arc efsanesinden yola çıkarak kaleme aldığı "Jeanne d'Arc'ın öteki ölümü" oyunu, insanın ve özelikle kadını, din ve eril milliyetçilik gibi egemen ideoloji tarafından nasıl abluka altına alınmaya çalıştığının işaretleri ile doludur. Dolayısıyla komedi ögeleriyle bezeli oyun, bu egemen ideolojiler karşısında insanın zaferini onaylayarak son bulur.

The play "The Other Death of Joan of Arc", which he wrote based on the legend of Joan of Arc, is full of signs of how people and especially women are tempted to be blocked by the dominant ideology such as religion and male nationalism. Therefore, the play, adorned with comedic elements, ends with the affirmation of man's victory against these dominant ideologies.
Joan of Arc has been "Joan of Arc's last year, mad and ignorant" since her childhood, when she was overwhelmed by an ideological conspiracy theory ın işaretleri ile doludur. Most of them have dealt with the times, but their ideas have gone crazy.

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tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg Prinzenstraße 85 F 10969 Berlin

Location | Theater

tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg
tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg Prinzenstraße 85 F 10969 Berlin

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