PHOTO: © © Urania Berlin

»The Seen and the Unseen« Holger Trülzsch und Richard Milazzo - Buchvorstellung

In the organizer's words:

Michelangelo Antonioni's thriller "Blow Up" made her famous as the model "Veruschka" in 1966. At the time, few people knew about her family history - her father Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff and his wife Gottliebe were part of the resistance against Hitler with Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. Lehndorff's father was executed in Berlin-Plötzensee in 1944, while her mother Gottliebe hosted a now world-famous artists' community in Peterskirchen in Upper Bavaria in the 1960s. It was there that the painter Holger Trülzsch and Vera Lehndorff met in 1969. As "Lehndorff & Trülzsch", they developed an oeuvre of remarkably innovative, staged photographs of body images - a synthesis of painting, photography and performance - in an intensive creative period from the 1970s to the late 1980s. In the illustrated book "The Seen and the Unseen", they approach their artistic work from a new perspective. Holger Trülzsch will discuss the development of gender identities and the treatment of the female body against the backdrop of history and contemporary art in the second half of the 20th century with New York art critic Richard Milazzo and Christian Dunker at the book premiere.

An event in German and English.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Admission: 8 €, reduced: 5 €, members: 3 €

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Urania Berlin e.V. An der Urania 17 10787 Berlin

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