PHOTO: © St. Pauli Theater © Thorsten Baering

Tim Fischer – Tigerfest

In the organizer's words:

For the 100th centenary of the king of black humor, Tim Fischer finally lets Georg Kreisler's cats of prey out of the bag again!

Under the musical direction of bassist Oliver Potratz, with Sebastian Weiß on piano and Hauke Renken on vibraphone, Tim Fischer brings Kreisler's characters to life in his musical homage and, as a kind of medium, tickles the absurd comedy out of the linguistically powerful songs. Laughing, he drips vitriol into the deceptive idyll and caricatures the bourgeois's dogged joie de vivre. Playfully he transforms himself into a sad clown, becomes a money-grubbing hussy, a satirist and satyr. No one keeps the cultivated malice of the gifted chanson creater alive as beautifully as the interpreter ennobled by the master himself.

Tim Fischer tips his hat to the total work of art and says of the optimistic pessimist Georg Kreisler: "His emotional spectrum was enormous and is uniquely reflected in his art. With clear language he takes us into his labyrinth, where the surreal is real, the light heavy, the heavy light and the impossible possible."

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St. Pauli Theater Spielbudenplatz 29-30 20359 Hamburg

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