In the organizer's words:

Dance and theater spectacle by Takao Baba and ensemble / guest performance by Junges Schauspiel - Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus

Production for hearing, hard of hearing and deaf people

Imagine you're on a game show and don't know why you've been invited. The other contestants arrive. A new AI is to be presented on the show. The eccentric show host appears to cheers. The rules of the game are simple: play, talk, dance. Strangely, candidate no. 7 doesn't show up. The other players become impatient. It's unfair that there's someone in the game who isn't playing. As more and more signs suggest that no. 7 will never come back, the show host blurts out what the AI is all about: it can predict the end of life. The show is supposed to capture the contestants' reactions to the time they have left live. Full of rage, they stop the showmaster and begin to share their dreams with each other. What is it like to be seen and loved? What does it mean to enjoy the time you are given? Will they smash the AI and (re)find their own lifetime?

The production is for hearing, hard of hearing and deaf people. The word Deaf is capitalized to signal that it is associated with a separate culture and identity.

This content has been machine translated.


Theater und Orchester Heidelberg Theaterstraße 10 69117 Heidelberg

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