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Triple Ecstasy - Singing Circle & Ecstatic Dance ums Mittsommerfeuer

In the organizer's words:

The two Cologne community initiatives BEYOND and Heartspaces invite you to a very special event: an evening for encounters, for movement, for touching and being touched.

Tripleecstasy on the Rhine beach in Rodenkirchen. Our three ingredients for triple ecstasy are: Singing Circle, Ecstatic Dance and Midsummer Fire.

Would you like to spend the sunset of the longest and brightest day of the year with around 150 warm, singing and dancing people in the beautiful setting of the Rhine beach in Rodenkirchen? Then this evening is for you.

To give you an idea of the event, here are some important details about Triple Ecstasy:

Participation: To participate, you need 2 things - a ticket and your participation fee, which you pay in cash on site:

(1) You need a ticket for the event, which you can secure here. Only get a ticket here if you are actually taking part .
(If you have a ticket but are unable to attend, either pass it on to someone else or write us a message to release your place. If you have a ticket but neither cancel your registration nor show up at the event, you will be excluded from future events).

(2) You pay your participation fee of 20€ in CASH at the event.

From 18:00 - Arrival
19:00 - Intro and Opening
19:15 - Singing Circle ... (& smooth transition into the ...)
20 :30 - Sunset Ecstatic Dance around the midsummer fire
from 22:15 - Midnight Picnic --> End the day together with snacks and drinks you have brought yourself

Bring your own:
- Water bottle
- Possibly a picnic blanket
- possibly a jacket for later
- Change of clothes (fresh top in case you get sweaty dancing)
- Snacks for the picnic afterwards if you want to stay after the dance and connect with the other participants

Exact location: We will send you the exact location in advance by email, so make sure to confirm your event again.

Ecstatic Dance & Singing Circle

We understand singing together and ecstatic dance as consciousness practices that help us to connect with ourselves and with each other. Therefore, the consumption of alcohol and intoxicants is not permitted for participation in this event.

Furthermore, the rules for the Ecstatic Dance are that no talking and no cell phones are allowed in the dance area.

Do I have to dance and/or sing?
Everything can, nothing has to. Only one thing is important: respect.

Dress code? Of course not! But it's a great opportunity to wear something completely unusual or even provocative! Feel free :)

Valuables: You are responsible for keeping your valuables safe during the event, we assume no liability in case of loss.

Find out more about BEYOND (click here) and Heartspaces (click here).

Location: Uferstraße 45, 50996 Cologne

DISCLAMER: The evening takes place on the banks of the Rhine, the address given is very close by. From there you just have to walk to the water.



Heartspaces - spaces that connect.

At Heartspaces, you will find a great and growing range of complementary events every month around practices such as Ecstatic Dance, Chanting Circles, Breathwork, Tantra and much more. If you want to stay up to date, join the free WhatsApp community or follow Heartspaces on Instagram. Click HERE to do so.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:


Organizer | Event Series

Chanting Hearts
Chanting Hearts Köln

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