PHOTO: © Foto © 2012, Leo Seidel

Tristan und Isolde

In the organizer's words:
Musically highly romantic and crossing the threshold to modernity, Wagner lets his couple run with existential relentlessness into a hopeless dilemma. Disturbing and fascinating in its uncompromising portrayal of obsessive love, this work - based on a myth - has itself become a myth ... Conductor: Juraj Valčuha; Director: Graham Vick; With Michael Weinius, Günther Groissböck, Tamara Wilson, Leonardo Lee, Jörg Schörner, Annika Schlicht and others.
Betrayal, lost honor, guilt and atonement, passionate, transgressive love and the desire for death and oblivion - the story of Tristan and Isolde, grown from Celtic roots into a myth over the centuries, has fascinated poets, poets and musicians alike. Richard Wagner inspired it to his "opus metaphysicum" (Friedrich Nietzsche), a work that towers over his artistic output like a monolith.

Musically highly romantic and yet at the same time crossing the threshold to modernity, Wagner lets his couple run into a hopeless dilemma with existential relentlessness from the very beginning. For the love of the two is utterly inevitable, but also utterly impossible: Tristan, that "sad man" who has already caused the death of his mother at birth, loves Isolde, and yet he has given her to his king as a bride. In doing so, he commits a breach of faith that puts this love under dark omens from the very beginning and exposes him to himself as dishonorable. And Isolde does not enter into the forbidden relationship blamelessly either, for she spared Tristan, the murderer of her fiancé Morold, instead of killing him: a single glance from Tristan was enough. She moves like a stranger in her life, her familiar, domestic world.

TRISTAN UND ISOLDE not only holds an exceptional position within Wagner's oeuvre as a whole, but to this day it has disturbed and fascinated its listeners with its uncompromising, boundary-crossing portrayal of an obsessive, all-encompassing and defining love affair. Writers, philosophers, psychologists have worked on it, composers and musicians have analyzed it, but without getting to the bottom of all its mysteries. The work, created after a myth, has itself become a myth. That we, its listeners and viewers, cannot make ourselves comfortable in this myth, because the story of this loving couple, although it seems to come from ancient times, is still far too close to us, is one of the many wonders of this work. This content has been machine translated.


Deutsche Oper Berlin Bismarckstr. 35 10627 Berlin

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