PHOTO: © Nicooo76 // Pexels

Tufting Workshop (4-8h) in Düsseldorf - Teppich 40-70cm

In the organizer's words:

We will teach you step by step so that you can make your first wool rug.

This workshop is suitable for everyone, from beginners to experienced artists.

The tufting process:

    It all starts with a design and our designers will help you make it your own. <\/p>", "button": { "buttonText": "Read biography", "buttonLink": "#" }, "imageAltText": "", "imageId": "65a831eaa8828b54ea1cdbd6", "image": { "id": "65a831eaa8828b54ea1cdbd6", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1618517482104, "updatedOn": 1691514006964, "starred": false, "passthrough": false, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1618517482104, "authorId": "64820733be6ee332164296ce", "systemDataId": "1687350797524-U4QFTB0ISPSN8U7204X6", "systemDataVariants": "1525x1144,100w,300w,500w,750w,1000w,1500w", "filename": "Rectangle 26.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "969994", "topRightAverage": "584435", "bottomLeftAverage": "7e756e", "bottomRightAverage": "75736e", "centerAverage": "af8572", "suggestedBgColor": "989e9a" }, "urlId": "5ge0rix89117fdj0wsxshalmlgd8r2-yd2lk-d7llj-lymjw-r4fs8-2b7m4", "title": "", "body": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "64820733be6ee332164296ce", "displayName": "Joel Rieger", "firstName": "Joel", "lastName": "Rieger", "bio": "" }, "assetUrl": "", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "items": [ ], "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "recordTypeLabel": "image", "originalSize": "1525x1144" } }, { "title": "X", "description": "

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  • It all starts with a design and our designers will help you make it your own.
    Choose one of our patterns and we'll customize it to your personal taste.

  • We will teach you the techniques for the realization and give you an insight into the do's and don'ts we have learned.

  • It's all about the fluff. At the end you will receive your R2XO rug.

Workshop S:

The size of the rug is 40x40 cm and is ideal as a seat cushion or wall decoration.

- 4 hours
- up to 5 colors

Workshop M:

The size of the rug is 50x70 cm and is ideal for use as a rug or wall decoration.

- 8 hours (2 sessions of 4 hours each),
- up to 8 colors


- Each day session lasts 4 hours
- Follow-up sessions (2x 4 hours) usually take place the following day from 10:00-14:00
- Alternative dates can be arranged at any time by arrangement

The following services are included in the tufting course:

- All required materials, equipment, machines, tools
- Snacks are provided.
- We will help you prepare your design.
- You will receive professional support throughout the design process.
- At the end of the course, you can take your own individual rug home with you.

Contact us:

R2XO Studio
Tel: 0211 15815184


Studio of Onomoto
Mintropstraße 10
40215 Düsseldorf

Your works can usually be taken home immediately. If this is not possible, delivery applies:
The delivery to your home as a frame takes place within 7 days by pick-up or shipment.
We charge €50 per work for framing the carpets.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

from 169,00 €


Düsseldorf Düsseldorf

Artist | Collective

R2XO Mintropstraße 10 40215 Düsseldorf

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