PHOTO: © © Urania Berlin

Was bringen Balkonkraftwerke? - Podiumsdiskussion

In the organizer's words:

Energy from the balcony - a tangible contribution to climate neutrality? What is the potential of the technology?

Solar energy is considered an important building block for a climate-neutral Berlin by 2045. What contribution do plug-in solar devices, so-called "balcony power plants", make? Is the technology evolving? Jochen Müller talks about this with Elisa Förster, Project Manager of the Solar Center Berlin, Joseph Bergner from the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Thomas Krause, Head of the Energy, Digitalization and Innovation Department of the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Admission: 8 €, reduced: 5 €, members: 3 €


Urania Berlin e.V. An der Urania 17 10787 Berlin

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