PHOTO: © Theater Dortmund

Was ihr wollt

In the organizer's words:

Love confusion, a separated brother and sister and the question of who we are, who we love and what this has to do with each other: Shakespeare's light-footed comedy of disguise and mistaken identity plays with surprisingly contemporary questions about desire and (gender) roles.

Shipwrecked Viola ends up on the coast of Illyria, separated from her twin brother Sebastian. But the supposedly safe land soon proves to be a refuge for strange inhabitants between a Sleeping Beauty slumber and Dionysian intoxication. Disguised as the man Cesario, she enters the service of Orsino, Duke of Illyria, who is wooing the Countess Olivia in vain. Viola falls in love with the Duke, while Olivia in turn develops feelings for Cesario/Viola. As if that weren't complicated enough, Olivia's pompous uncle, the steward Malvolio and the chambermaid Maria add to the entanglements. And on another part of the coast, Viola's twin brother Sebastian and the ship's captain Antonio form perhaps more than friendly bonds in their search for their sister ...

Director Paul Spittler grew up in Strausberg near Berlin. During and after his studies, he worked as an assistant at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden and Burgtheater Vienna, among others. Since 2018, he has directed at the Volkstheater Vienna, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, Kosmos Theater Vienna, Werk X Vienna and Die Andere Welt Bühne Strausberg, among others. Rarely also stage designer (Kosmos Theater Vienna) and performer (Ballhaus Ost Berlin). Paul Spittler has already staged DIE TONIGHT, LIVE FOREVER and Das Prinzip Nosferatu at Schauspiel Dortmund. His theater works are characterized by strong physicality, excess and queer currents. Together with his teams, he explores the thematic and aesthetic intersections of E- and U-drama. Theater for the theater is boring. Theater is pleasure. Theater is active politics. Theater radiates from society into it. Joint development and exploration are the basis for his theatrical work

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Schauspiel Dortmund Hiltropwall 15 44137 Dortmund

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