In the organizer's words:

Martin Zingsheim welcomes his favorite guests. Together with parodist Susanne Pätzold, stage anarchist Torsten Schlosser, all-round comedian Thomas Nicolai and black-humored singer-songwriter Falk, he takes a satirical look at the madness of the present.

If you had the choice: Would you rather be beautiful or clever? Which kitchen appliance would you be? And what would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow? Susanne Pätzold poses such questions in her current program "Multiple Choice". After all, people have to make countless decisions every day, possibly with unforeseeable consequences. Pätzold brings her multiple stage persona with her and slips into the role of either Ursula von der Leyen or Cardinal Woelki.

Torsten Schlosser is "fed up" - the title of his program. Sometimes politically sharp, sometimes absurdly absurd, the head of Cologne's Ateliertheater talks about his everyday life and remains wonderfully unpredictable.

In his songs, Falk is on the trail of the zeitgeist. His lyrics are bursting with sarcasm and black humor, but always with virtuoso linguistic wit.

Finally, entertainer and music cabaret artist Thomas Nicolai reports on everyday experiences from the butcher's shop or the police checkpoint and mutates into a thousand weird characters in his show - legendary characters such as pensioner Buletti or his sweater hero Patrick Schleifer.

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Theater am Dom Glockengasse 11 50667 Köln

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