You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Finally take your writing seriously and join our writing circle!

With us you will find:
Joint writing and regular workshops and meetings in Düsseldorf on various topics, packed with creative exercises and writing knowledge so that you can develop and edit your own ideas and turn them into finished texts.

In the future, shared readings and a shared blog to showcase our best, most interesting and wildest work!

All creative text types are welcome: Poetry, short stories, excerpts from longer texts, essays, drama ...

You may or may not have previous experience - the main thing you need is a love of writing, a desire to try things out and the courage to stretch your comfort zone a little now and then!

If you are interested and would like to get to know us and find out more, come to one of our two introductory meetings:
Monday, 26.02.2024, 17:30 at the Viertelladen, Neusser Str. 115A, 40219 Düsseldorf
Monday, 04.03.2024, 17:30 at Niemandsland e.V., Heerstr. 19, 40227 Düsseldorf

Contact us via welovewriting211@gmail.com or on Instagram via @welove_writing

We look forward to meeting you!

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Niemandsland e.V. Heerstraße 19 40233 Düsseldorf

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