Werther in Love

In the organizer's words:

We play a game | by Daniel Ratthei

"He eats a vegan diet. He hates certain music. He loathes people his own age. He reads. He smokes a joint now and then, he doesn't do sports. He has moral principles, but he can't define them himself." One might think that this description is of a zeitgeist hipster. Not at all. It is Wilhelm who describes his best friend Werther in this way. Werther, who falls madly in love with Lotte, but who, unfortunately, is already taken by Albert....

In his version of Werther, Daniel Ratthei tells the story of today's young people and thus creates a projection surface for an audience that is just as much at home in the social media as in the analog world. A world in which unrequited love still hurts just as much as it did 250 years ago ...

Director Manuel Moser turns it into a fast-paced production full of wit and drama, suitable for both teenagers and adults.

Duration approx. 70 minutes

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COMEDIA Theater Vondelstraße 4-8 50677 Köln