PHOTO: © David von Becker

Wie steht es in Berlin um den Schutz von Frauen vor Gewalt? Diskussion in Kooperation mit der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung

In the organizer's words:

On the occasion of the exhibition On Rape - And Institutional Failure by Catalan artist Laia Abril, C/O Berlin and the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung are organizing a joint panel discussion on the topics of harassment, domestic violence and femicide. Since February 1, 2023, the Istanbul Convention has been fully applicable in Germany and forms the backdrop against which laws must be enacted. It is intended to ensure the comprehensive protection of women and girls from all forms of violence. But what is the reality on the streets of Berlin? And in Berlin homes? Where are institutions failing? What urgently needs to change?

Representatives from Berlin initiatives Kazım Erdoğan (Aufbruch Neukölln e.V.), Isabella Spiesberger (Berliner Zentrum für Gewaltpräventation), Tayfun Guttstadt (Heroes Berlin, Strohhalm e.V.) and #catcallsofberlin talk about the status quo and our responsibility to society as a whole.

This content has been machine translated.


C/O Berlin Hardenbergstraße 22–24 10623 Berlin

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