Wirklichkeit im Radio - Über Hördokus aus Archiven, die die Zeit überdauert haben

In the organizer's words:

Lecture and retrospective

Radio feature and documentary film: the latter sounds like big festivals, the former serious, but a bit stodgy. Is there an acoustic sister of the documentary film? And is it hiding in the archives of public broadcasting? For the website 'Reality on the Radio', a team spent years rummaging through these archives, listening and discussing. Some of these discussions can be heard today. And above all, there is a lot of reality to be heard on the radio. The archive project 'Reality on the Radio' was created as a series by the feature editors of Deutschlandfunk Kultur and explores the history of documentary storytelling on the radio. It was always important not to listen to museum pieces, but to features that are still relevant today. (Ingo Kottkamp)

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