PHOTO: © Club Voltaire - KI

Wirtshaussingen außer Haus: Im Naturfreundehaus, Am Poloplatz, Niederrad!

In the organizer's words:

Pub singing outside the house ...

... at the Naturfreundehaus, Am Poloplatz, Niederrad

We want to sing together - folk songs, hiking songs, freedom songs, workers' songs and the occasional pop song. It sounds apolitical, but it's not. The choice of songs suits Club Voltaire.
Anyone who enjoys singing in good company is cordially invited to come!
Lyrics and musical accompaniment are provided.
Elsewhere, the start time was inadvertently stated as 11 a.m. - this is not correct, 2 p.m. is the correct time.
Free admission
This content has been machine translated.


Club Voltaire e. V. Kleine Hochstraße 5 60313 Frankfurt am Main

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