Yezid*innen im Irak und in Baden-Württemberg | 10 Jahre nach Beginn des Genozids

In the organizer's words:

In August 2014, the so-called Islamic State attacked the northern Iraqi town of Shingal and the surrounding area, the main settlement area of the Yazidis. Its atrocities were aimed at completely wiping out Yazidi life. Mass murder, enslavement, systematic rape of women and girls and the flight of hundreds of thousands of people followed. Around 80,000 of them sought refuge in Germany, many of them in Baden-Württemberg.

In 2023, the Bundestag recognized the crimes committed by IS against Yazidis as genocide and pledged to protect Yazidi life in Germany and worldwide. But what is the reality? The number of positive asylum decisions is currently declining, although there is still a risk of persecution and the Shingal region remains unstable and conflict-ridden to this day. Yazidis are also at risk of deportation in Baden-Württemberg.

Yildiz Deniz will introduce the topic of the evening and look back on the events of 2014. Together with Prof. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, State Secretary Florian Hassler and Meike Oslzak , we then want to investigate the evidence that the so-called silent genocide continues. We want to talk about the consequences and discuss ways of supporting Yazidis locally and in Baden-Württemberg.

Dr. Yildiz Deniz is the integration officer of the city of Nürtingen. Supported by a scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation, she successfully completed her doctorate at the University of Hildesheim in summer 2022. Deniz is Yezidi herself.

Prof. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan is a transcultural trauma researcher and was largely responsible for the special program through which 1,100 Yazidi women and girls from Shingal were admitted to Baden-Württemberg in 2015.

Florian Hassler is State Secretary for Political Coordination, Europe and International Affairs at the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry. He supports the partnership between the state of Baden-Württemberg and Dohuk in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan in Iraq.

Meike Olszak is a political scientist and legal scholar and heads the office of the Refugee Council Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Moderation: Jenny Mushegera

Venue: Gewerkschaftshaus Stuttgart, Bambus-Salon (first floor)

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Price information:

Free admission, please register by e-mail.


Gewerkschaftshaus Stuttgart Willi-Bleicher-Straße 20 70174 Stuttgart

Organizer | Miscellaneous

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg Köln

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